Clinical Trials Update

New Clinical Trials Open for Sarcomas and Solid Tumors

Two exciting early phase clinical trials are underway at Siteman Cancer Center, based at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, that leverage novel classes of drugs and exploit how proteins can be targeted and/or removed to stop uncontrolled cell division that occurs in sarcomas and solid tumors. For BRAF B600 […]

Whole Genome Sequencing for AML/MDS Risk Stratification

ChromoSeq now covered by Medicare; Two Clinical Trials Also Open Two novel clinical trials for patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) are open and enrolling patients at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The clinical trials are utilizing a breakthrough whole-genome […]

Siteman Cancer Center Advances Head and Neck Tumor Discovery

Soon, a global, stage III randomized clinical trial could result in a paradigm shift in how certain head and neck cancers are treated. The clinical trial, called KEYNOTE-689 and overseen by the Merck pharmaceutical company, is the result of specific research initiated by head and neck cancer specialists at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital […]

Treating Multiple Myeloma — New Immunotherapies

  Multiple myeloma has long vexed medical researchers because of the cancer’s specific ability to both weaken and “hide” from a patient’s own immune system. The result is that while many treatments have been able to treat the disease for some time, patients subsequently relapse. But newer medications now can control the disease for extended […]

New Clinical Trials for Prostate, Kidney Cancers

Siteman Cancer Center has three new clinical trials open focused on prostate and kidney cancers. The first, a Phase II clinical trial testing a neoadjuvant immunotherapy treatment for prostate cancer, is available for men who have been diagnosed with localized prostate cancer. The study will evaluate the use of atezolizumab alone and in combination with […]

Novel Lymphoma Clinical Trials Underway

In just the past five years, the development of new therapeutics has changed the paradigm for the treatment of lymphomas, thereby improving outcomes and quality of life. As research continues, a major goal is to find more tolerable treatment options with higher efficacy. At Siteman Cancer Center, 35 open clinical trials are investigating novel immunotherapies, […]